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A Historical Journey through DNA: Tracing the Celtic Roots of Lawton through an iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Lawton

Having recently undertaken an iGENEA DNA test, I discovered some fascinating scientific and historical findings linked to my surname, Lawton. The study highlighted my significant lineage to the R1b1a2 haplogroup and pointed towards a profound Celtic connection with roots set deep within Ireland and Western Scotland. With my paternal ancestors traceable back to the Mesolithic era, the Lawton name carries an extraordinary journey through time, guided by human expansion, migration, and cultural evolution.

U. Lawton

My iGENEA DNA test revealed a myriad of intriguing insights regarding the scientific significance attached to my surname, Lawton. The first and perhaps most remarkable finding was the connection of the Lawton name to the R1b1a2 haplogroup. This haplogroup is one of the most common in Western Europe, specifically among descendants of the ancient Celtic peoples.

The test results further emphasized my Celtic connections, showing a strong lineage from the British Isles—particularly Ireland and Western Scotland. The most probable interpretation is an association with the Lawton surname to the ancient Norse-Gaels, a hybrid culture that emerged from Viking and Gaelic interactions.

My paternal lineage analysis also led to an interesting journey through time, tracing my paternal ancestors back to the Mesolithic era. This is a strong testament to the incredible journey the Lawton surname experienced across different historical periods marked by various expansions, migrations, and sociocultural upheavals.

My DNA profile's deeper analysis revealed a compelling match specifically to the Celtic gene pool in the regions of Leinster and Munster in Ireland and Argyll and Bute in Scotland. These matches render a probable migratory story that connects my ancestors to the noticeable spread of Celts across Western and Central Europe.

Yet, the surprise didn't end there. My mitochondrial DNA, which passes down from mother to child, traces back my maternal ancestry to the H1 haplogroup. This haplogroup is typical in Western Europe and is thought to have played a crucial role in the human repopulation of Europe after the last Ice Age.

Overall, my iGENEA DNA test results offered a fascinating and rich tapestry of cultural, historical, and geographical movements linked to the Lawton surname. It is an intricate history deeply embedded within the backdrop of Western Europe and the British Isles.

U. Lawton

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🧬DNA-ExplorerCeltic DNAGenealogy DNAViking DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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