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Unearthing the Celtic Roots of the Elder Surname: A Personal Journey through iGENEA DNA Testing

Family name Elder

Armed with a tube of my saliva and a powerful desire to understand more about my genealogical roots, I sent my DNA sample to iGENEA for testing. The test provided deep insight into the history and origins of my surname, Elder, illuminating a rich lineage of Celtic origin, revealing tidbits about my family's migratory pathway and sociological nuances.

N. Elder

When I sent off my saliva sample to iGENEA for DNA testing, I was excitedly apprehensive. For years, I'd wondered about the history of my surname "Elder," and what potential secrets this specific genetic test could reveal. The iGENEA DNA test is an all-inclusive genealogical test that helps individuals trace their roots, discover maternal and paternal ancients, and identify lost relatives. The disappointment of vague and inconclusive findings from previous tests kept my optimism at bay, but I had a gut feeling that this may be different.

The findings were revelatory and substantially enlightening, delving far back into the history and provenance of my surname, Elder. The report indicated a strong Celtic origin, with notable concentrations in areas of Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Elder name was affiliated predominantly with the R1b haplogroup, a lineage deeply embedded in the heartlands of Western Europe.

Interpreting further, the DNA map showed genetic markers indicating a migratory route of my ancestors from the western fringes of Europe possibly as far back as the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age. The Elder clan, it would seem, were among the early Celtic influx into the British Isles.

Interestingly, there has been a semantic shift in the surname's meaning over the centuries. From deriving its roots from the Scots term "Ellar," it has evolved to "Elder" today. In ancient times, the term "Ellar" was used to signify a superintendent or head of a guild, indicating a possible history of leadership within our lineage.

Tracing back this historical and genetic pathway has been enlightening and exciting. It goes far beyond my own curiosity about the Elder surname. It’s also a humbling realization about the intertwined complexities of human history and how genetic lineage can contribute to understanding oneself better in the context of our vast human family.

N. Elder

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNACeltic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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