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Unravelling My Heritage: Reconciling DNA Test Results with Personal Identity

Family name Dwyer

An iGENEA DNA test led me to a revelation about my Dwyer heritage and in process, shifted my previous view on personal identity. Armed with a more comprehensive understanding of my genetic background, the test allowed me to embrace the fluidity of heritage and identity that transcends borders and cultures.

A. Dwyer

Before taking the iGENEA DNA test, my identity was largely based on oral narratives from my family with a few concrete historical documents to corroborate their stories. From their accounts, I was a proud descendant of the Dwyer clan with Irish roots. With a strong sense of pride in my surname, I was excited but a little apprehensive to discover what the iGENEA DNA test would reveal about my lineage. The test led me to reassess my concept of personal identity and heritage, opening up a broader view of my genealogical heritage than I thought existed.

A. Dwyer

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerCeltic DNAGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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